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Bible Studies

I AM The Resurrection and Life 06.30.24

To salt or not to salt — that is the question? We debate the finer points of salt on summer fruit plus exploring Jesus’ declaration “I AM the resurrection and the life!” We discover God’s love is perfect, His timing is perfect and His purpose is perfect!

I AM the Gate/Good Shepherd 05.13.24

A shepherd takes care of their sheep and dying for your flock wasn’t in the job description. Enter Jesus’ and His declaration “I AM the GOOD shepherd.” A GOOD shepherd lays down His life for His sheep. Mom and Callie discover the ins and outs of shepherding in this LIVE session.

I AM the Bread of Life 04.07.24

In John 6, Jesus declares “I AM the Bread of Life.” He talks with the leftover crowd from the miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fish and bids them come to Him as the TRUE source of life. As the living bread from Heaven, Jesus wants us to base our entire lives on Him and His words. Callie and Gina talk about their favorite bread and the TRUE bread of life  during this Live Session. 


I AM Teacher and Lord 03.10.24

Two of the I AM statements of Jesus are explored in this live session. Jesus knows the heart of man, but He is willing to cleanse it anyway. Jesus perfectly reveals God the Father by His works. Join Callie and Gina as they talk about Jesus changing the lives of 2 men by these declarations!

I AM Gentle & Humble 2.11.24

There was nothing about Jesus’ physical looks that drew people to Him. His appeal to people resulted from His heart. In this live session, we consider Jesus’ declarations about Himself starting with I AM gentle and humble.

I AM Sending You 06.09.24

Jesus sends His disciples — those original 12 and believers now! He compels us to step out on faith into the unknown completely relying on His leading - out of our comfort zone — out of our control — into His will. Join me and mom while we explore Jesus’ words “I AM Sending.”  

I AM the Light of the World 04.21.24

He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” The man goes with what he knows. As a believer in Jesus Christ, the world may doubt you, but the world can’t deny a believer’s testimony of once being lost and now being saved by grace. This man’s testimony was simple — once I was blind, but now I see.

I AM Your Servant 03.25.24

When Jesus initiated the Lord’s Supper, He told His followers to remember Him whenever they ate this meal. And then He shares a radical idea - service. Service is not only doing but an attitude and motive of the heart of which Jesus is the perfect example. Mom and Callie learn about the Lord’s Supper and service in this Live Session from Luke 22. 

I AM Willing & Working 2.25.24

Two of the I AM statements of Jesus are explored in this live session. Jesus knows the heart of man, but He is willing to cleanse it anyway. Jesus perfectly reveals God the Father by His works. Join Callie and Gina as they talk about Jesus changing the lives of 2 men by these declarations!

I AM He - 1.28.24

Go back to those days when Jesus’ feet trod upon this planet. When He walked among men. When His clothes got dirty, His belly got hungry and His eyes got tired. When people saw His smile, heard His voice, smelled His scent. Go back to when Jesus asked the question, “Who do you say I am?” 

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Jehovah M'Kaddesh - 12.3.23

Jehovah M’Kaddesh - The Lord who makes holy. Being holy is choosing God’s way of life — and denying anything that’s not— knowing that ONLY GOD can make us holy!

Jehovah Rapha - 10.22.23

Disease. Rebellion. Iniquity. Broken heart. Pride. Backsliding. If we allow Him, God will heal us from all of these for He is Jehovah Rapha — the God Who Heals. 

Jehovah Jireh - 9.23.23

God is the sole guarantor of His promises. He does not depend nor need help from any of us. Like Abraham, we must rely completely on the Promise-Giver otherwise the promise has no basic value. Abraham KNEW God had promised him Isaac. He KNEW God had promised him many descendants. He KNEW God had promised those descendants to be a great nation. All these hinged on Isaac being alive. So Abraham KNEW, Jehovah-Jireh…God will provide.

David Psalm 51- 7.10

God changes us from the inside out. He looks on the heart — those parts of us that no one knows about — those places in our hearts and minds that we keep to ourselves and don’t let anyone know — those are the parts God wants. That’s where He can teach us wisdom. That’s where God can speak to us.

Freedom in Philippi Part 2 - 6.5

How we respond to life’s situations could very well be the cause for people to receive or repel the Gospel. Paul & Silas saw their unfair circumstances as an opportunity to honor God and proclaim the good news of Christ. Blessing & rejoicing are sure to follow us when we are persecuted in Jesus’ name. Like Paul & Silas, we can trust God in ALL THINGS because He has them ALL under His control.

Peter, Prison & Prayer - 5.1

Peter surprised Rhoda and the early church by appearing at the door in the middle of the night. We’ve all been there — praying to God for someone or something and then He answers but not at all in the way we expected! God doesn’t belong in a box! Let Him answer our prayers the way He chooses. Rhoda — OPEN THE DOOR!

Daniel - 4.3

We live in a crazy topsy-turvy world. Daniel lived in a place far from home, but his relationship with God kept him grounded living in his topsy turvy world. Live for God even when it doesn’t make sense to the world around us. Measure everything by God’s standard. LIVE ON PURPOSE.

Jehovah Tsidkenu/Shammah - 11.12.23

Over and over and over God says to His people, “I will be with you.” He declares it. And when God declares something, it can’t be undeclared because GOD DON’T LIE. 

Jehovah Shalom - 10.8.23

Real peace comes from the presence of God in our lives. The first mention of Jehovah Shalom is made in Judges 6 — from a fearful, reluctant and cynical guy named Gideon that God called a mighty warrior! God uses the story of Gideon to teach us He is our peace even when chaos surrounds us — God declares we are safe and complete in a covenant friendship with Him.

Lord's Prayer - 7.17

Jesus’ life on earth was the physical representation of God the Father in Heaven. He only spoke what God told Him to say. He only did what God told Him to do so that mankind would see, touch, hear & smell what God the Father is really like.

David - 6.19

God’s word is truth and THE standard. David knew that. David knows God’s promises, His covenant, is based on God’s sovereignty — not David’s actions!! The same principle applies to us…we can rest in the God of David…He’s the very same God to us. Therefore, DO NOT WORRY, INSTEAD — PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING

Freedom in Philippi - 5.22

We all want freedom and equality, but true freedom comes at the feet of Jesus. The first missionary trip to Europe by Paul & Silas revealed to Lydia and her family that real liberation occurs when one humbles themselves before Jesus. Where the Spirit of the Lord is — there is FREEDOM!

The First Church - 4.17

Have you ever wondered what to do when you are waiting on God? Or when you don’t know the answer? Or when you’re afraid? Peter, John and the newly born little baby church faced all of these questions. And they did one thing — PRAY. As a believer, prayer is our mightiest weapon against the enemy and our hotline to God’s throne.

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